Vote by foot
- 网络用脚投票

With the development of the modern capital market , the shareholders are liable to " vote by foot " with less and less sense of responsibilities trending more and more dispersing and reactive .
Since the " vote by foot " was restricted by multiple factors , the institutional investors have been gradually increasing their use of " vote by hand ", and in doing so , the key strategy is shareholder activism .
In the present institution centered on the rule-based governance commonly exists a kind of relation-based private order , which can influence investors in their appraisal of managers ' reputation through multiple and unofficial information channels , and then urge investors to vote by foot and hand .
The stock market performs its motivation-constraint function by equity future , " vote by hand " and " vote by foot " . The credit market regulates the enterprises financing by credit ration .
Capital market designed two kinds of voting system for shareholders of listed companies , namely " vote by hand "( use their voting rights ) and " vote by foot "( buy or sell stocks on secondary market ) .